We will offer a Future Talent Bursary to up to 8 undergraduate students in support of their academic studies from August 2025.
We support talented students who would benefit from study at University of Southampton Delhi financially through the bursary. The merit bursary will contribute towards 1 year of tuition fees at University of Southampton Delhi in academic year 25/26. We will select students using an assessment of need and eligibility, treating applicants with dignity and respect throughout.
Up to 8 individual awards of a flat contribution of no more than 660,000 INR towards tuition fees due to University of Southampton Delhi in academic year 25/26.
We aim to manage our scholarships and bursaries fairly, providing support for academically gifted students, and helping those who might otherwise struggle to study with us.
We consider a range of criteria, including the academic achievements shown on an application to study in addition to individual scholarship and bursary applications. This information helps us to produce a shortlist of candidates for an award.
A scholarships panel will make a final decision on scholarship and bursary applications.
If you already have made an application to study, you can now make an application for this merit bursary.
We will award this merit bursary to domestic undergraduate students whose financial circumstances would make study at University of Southampton Delhi otherwise difficult. We do this as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, improving the life-chances of potentially disadvantaged students, assisting with social mobility through educational opportunity and increasing diversity in the student community.
Students who wish to be considered for this award will be asked to submit a financial statement as part of their bursary application. We will treat this information with sensitivity and in confidence to maintain the respect and dignity of each applicant. The nature of this award means that we do not plan to make public the names and identities of recipients of the Future Talent Bursary but will communicate individually with successful applicants when a bursary award has been made.